Getting Settled

The Lord gave us a house to rent! We pray it may be used to host many team events and meetings, a place for the new church to gather for worship and fellowship, and to welcome many of you with a place to stay when you come to visit.

Here’s a short video to update you on the last few weeks!

Praise & Prayer

  • So thankful to have a home in Nairobi!
  • We thank God for our planting team, getting to spend time together, and know each other on a deeper level. Pray that our love continues to grow for one another as we do life together.
  • Pray for strength and endurance as we travel to the U.S. on Wednesday, spend time with our kids, and then to Orlando for a conference before returning back to Nairobi on November 10.
  • Jonathan has been asked to give an update on the church plant at our Sovereign Grace National Pastors Conference – pray that he and Brian (via video) will be able to communicate clearly.
  • Keep praying for the courage to seek out authentic conversations with people, wisdom in relationships, humility to learn from others, but boldness to speak the truth in love, and that the Lord would open eyes to those deceived by false gospels.

One thought on “Getting Settled

  1. So glad to hear you have found a home in Nairobi!! Praying for you in all the ways you have asked!! Will CCC see you during your time visiting the kids in MN? That would be lovely!! Thanks for your update. Good to see your faces in the video and the lush African greenery in the background. It is gloriously gold in MN right now.

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