Much More…

Much more of what you may ask. Much more effective school, ministry, and relationships with the students back on campus for Term 3? Much more rain, mist, and fog rolling through this school in the clouds? Much more to do in helping the Junior class get ready for an outside, socially distanced Banquet (kind of like Prom without the dance)? Much more diligence to keep the campus COVID-free? Much more gratefulness for the privilege of teaching at Moffat Bible College?

Yes to all these, and much more! Because I’m teaching a class on Romans at Moffat, I’ve been able to study and meditate on some pretty amazing passages of scripture lately. One of those is Romans 5:9-10. Paul reminds those who have put their trust in Christ, that since we’ve been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. And sums up his thoughts with the mind-boggling truth that if God was willing to reconcile us to himself while we were enemies, much more now that we’re his sons and daughters shall we be saved by his life!

I don’t know about you, but I love those “much mores”! The love of God for us goes so much deeper than most of us take the time to think about. But it’s everything to me and I need reminders of it each morning. That’s why I’m so thankful to be teaching this class at Moffat – it’s feeding my soul as much as my students! So thanks for praying – it’s truly been life-giving to me.

We just finished up our fourth week of school at RVA, the last two in-person. Again, we are so thankful the Kenya lockdown ended so we could be together!

Praise & Prayer

  • Thank the Lord the students are back on campus, and even that we are moving from orange level to yellow on Monday with our protocols!
  • We also thank God for the provision of rain (now with some sun mixed in) that provides food for our local community.
  • Thank God for giving Jonathan the honor of teaching Romans at Moffat Bible college.
  • Thankful that the Lord sustained Hannah & Henrik through their COVID illness.
  • Pray that we can keep loosening up restrictions – which means no COVID on campus.
  • Pray for us as we help lead the Junior class in planning for Banquet – that we would do it in a way that glorifies God and not ourselves. Pray that students would learn important life skills and be unified.
  • Pray for Jonathan as he seeks to shine the light on Jesus and the gospel in the book of Romans – that the students would see how the gospel transforms everything in life!

Foto Flashback

2 thoughts on “Much More…

  1. Hi Jonathan & Lilli,

    Thank you for sending this “much more” update.

    Today is the BCS graduation, # 11 in its history, that Karin and I will attend tonight, and then head off to a weekend retreat for the South Campus elders and wives over in Wisconsin. It’s been raining here for much ofthe week (which we needed), but hopefully it won’t make for a muddy, secluded indoors, retreat.
    Pray for us . . . the church, especially the downtown elders and campus, are experiencing significant disruption over a variety of disruptive issues and conditions, including ethnic, domestic abuse, gifts of the Spirit, and Covid-19.
    It isn’t severe on the suburban campuses, but where one part of the body is hurting all must come to rescue on our knees and with helping hands.
    “From every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes,
    There is a calm, a sure retreat: ‘Tis found beneath the mercy seat.”

    With watchful prayer,


    1. Hi Pastor David,
      Thanks for letting us know. Surely we will join you all before the throne of grace. Sorrowful with you in these difficult times, yet alway rejoicing in the hope of Christ. So grateful for you!

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