We will keep this page regularly updated with current prayer needs and answers to prayer to celebrate. Thank you so much for joining us in this foundational aspect of our ministry!
- We’ve now been meeting in our garage for seven weeks! Each week we’ve had visitors come at the invitation of someone on our team or from someone who had visited before. Last Sunday we had over 50 people, including children!
- We praise God that two young men from our church had their lives spared when they were in a serious car accident one week ago. One had his neck fractured and several other minor injuries. Pray for complete healing, but also thank God for the way he is using it to increase this man’s faith and even bring more of this friends to church.
- Last week we had a team from a Sovereign Grace Church in Toronto, Canada come to visit and encourage us. Thank God for such a blessing!
- We praise God for being able to host several visitors overnight during the last couple weeks. Pray for strength and endurance as we continue to offer hospitality.
- Please join us in praying that God would provide a worship leader – a gifted musician with a pastor’s heart. We would love him to also write gospel-centered songs for the church!
- Continue to pray for our visa application to be approved.
- Pray for God to lead us to the right people and place as we look for a venue to move to when we outgrow the garage. We have been so blessed by this space for building community after the service on Sundays. Pray we could find a venue that would allow us to continue doing that.
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.
2 Corinthians 1:11