We will keep this page regularly updated with current prayer needs and answers to prayer to celebrate. Thank you so much for joining us in this foundational aspect of our ministry!
- We’ve now been meeting as a church for three weeks! Thank God for his faithfulness to help this become a reality week after week, and for new people to keep showing up even though we haven’t advertised at all.
- Pray that God would provide the venue for our church to move to after we outgrow the garage.
- The church that is sponsoring us received what they needed to complete our work permit (visa) application. So it has now been submitted and we pray for a quick approval! No update yet.
- Right now Jonathan is serving as our worship pastor and helping to lead the music on Sunday mornings. The Lord has been kind. But would you pray that we would find a worship leader in the near future who is a gifted musician and has a pastor’s heart.
- We’ve started learning Swahili, meeting twice each week for one hour. Pray that we could learn quickly and that it would help us as we develop relationships with Kenyans.
- Our weekly team meetings keep getting larger! Pray for us as we spend time together, and get to know each other on a deeper level. Pray that our love continues to grow for one another as we do life together.
- Keep praying for the courage to seek out authentic conversations with people, wisdom in relationships, humility to learn from others, but boldness to speak the truth in love, and that the Lord would open eyes to those deceived by false gospels.
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.
2 Corinthians 1:11