
We will keep this page regularly updated with current prayer needs and answers to prayer to celebrate. Thank you so much for joining us in this foundational aspect of our ministry!

  • We are so thankful to finally be in Nairobi with the rest of our team!
  • Praise God with us for the hundreds of ways he has provided so far to make this church plant a growing reality, including having two ordained elders from the start!
  • We are thanking God for the financial support to be here in Kenya and begin the work of planting the church! Between monthly pledges and one-time gifts we have enough to get us through at least the rest of this year. Because we can’t plan on one-time gifts in the future, we do pray for more monthly supporters.
  • Pray for our kids back in Minnesota, and our being away from all of them for the first time. We’re so thankful that they live so close to one another and can support each other!
  • We have begun the search for housing. Pray that we can find a place that’s affordable, offer hospitality to the church and to those in need, and is near to our team. Brian and Julia just moved into their apartment!
  • Pray for favor with the Kenyan government in being able to get work permits to stay in the country longer than the initial 3 months of a tourist visa.
  • Pray for a growing unity among our team and that we would be able to establish a genuine community rooted in the gospel of Christ before we even launch the plant.
Ordination and Commissioning at Cornerstone
Brian & Julia’s commissioning service

You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

2 Corinthians 1:11

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