Packing Up

Lilli returned last Saturday from a month long trip with her dad to Norway and Madagascar. You can see a few pictures she posted on Facebook here and here. It was a very good, fruitful trip. Thanks for praying!

Jonathan was very eager to have her back, after being apart for almost a month! It was also a busy month as he visited and preached in three different Sovereign Grace churches, in Chaska, MN, Bozeman, MT, and Sioux Falls, SD. What a joy to worship with these sister churches! We are even more grateful to be partners with such generous, joyful churches that are committed to preserving the integrity of the gospel.

We are down to just one week before we board a plane to join the rest of our team in Nairobi! As expected, we are experiencing many emotions, a little panic as we try to pack everything into bags, sadness as we prepare to say goodbyes, and excitement that we are finally getting back to Kenya and starting on the next phase of planting Sovereign Grace Church Nairobi!

This Sunday (Sept 8) is the 40th anniversary of our church, Cornerstone Community Church in Burnsville, MN, Jonathan’s ordination service, and our commissioning service as they send us to Nairobi. You’re welcome to join us at 10:00AM. We fly out of Minneapolis on Tuesday, September 10.

We covet your prayers for all of these things! There’s now a post that will remain at the top of our home page that we’ll keep current with prayer requests. We’ll write an update as soon as we get settled on the other side. Thanks so much for your love, prayers, and support!

4 thoughts on “Packing Up

  1. Praying for you both as you say your goodbyes and transition into new roles in Nairobi. Excited to see you in Nairobi in the future! 🙂

  2. Praying for you as you do the final things and say those hard goodbyes. May your travel go smoothly and you rejoice in the new things God has in store for you.

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