Saturday Edition
Yesterday the president of Kenya announced that our county is one of five that will have travel restricted to within the five county area, restaurants limited to take-away only, no public worship services, and among other things, that in-person learning at all educational institutions in the country be suspended until further notice.
That news was pretty discouraging for all of us here at RVA. However, the president’s message came just hours after a student rang the bell signifying the official end of second term! By God’s grace we made it through a whole term of in-person learning and partnered with families all across the African continent so that gospel ministry could continue.
Even as we ask you to join us in praising God for his amazing provision to RVA, our students, staff, and families over the last three months, we also want to invite you to pray:
- As of this morning, we still have 90 students on campus to get home with their families – through air, bus, and vehicle. The challenge is greater now with travel restrictions in place. Pray for favor with police, little complication, and safety as some families travel great distances on dangerous roads.
- All of our international travelers had to get COVID tests and after a few retests have come back negative, allowing them to travel today instead of quarantine here at RVA.
- We are still waiting on 20 test results to see if those students are allowed to travel. Pray that they would be negative!
- Pray for us, as we deal with the consequences of the president’s restrictions – more loss and disappointment that we’ve all become accustomed to over the last year. Pray that we would be content in Christ and make the most of the time he’s given us.
- Pray for wisdom for the school and for parents regarding next term, which is supposed to begin the end of April. Some seniors were seen with tears yesterday as they prepared to leave, not knowing if they would be returning – to see friends, to go through graduation, to say proper goodbyes.
Update as of Saturday night: All students have been cleared to travel and all but one have left campus on route to their destinations. The final one will leave on Sunday afternoon.
God is good. He has shown great faithfulness to us and we know he intends this all for our good and his glory. Thanks for your part in his great work!
And finally, we wish our Tiana a very happy 21st birthday today! We love you so much and wish we could be together!

Hi John & Lilli,
So sad with you to read this restrictive news and mindful of Jesus’ warning not to borrow tomorrow’s troubles because the sufficient grace will be there for the new (evil) day when it arrives . . . and not before.
Love from us and the South Campus family!
So sorry for the frustration and loss you are all dealing with. Keeping you all in prayer and pray that you will be together for your next trimester. God Bless you all!