Social Media


Rift Valley Academy now has an official presence on social media! Check it out and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. It would be a great way to get to know the school and what goes on here on a day to day basis.


  • Last week was Spiritual Emphasis Week. A former student of RVA who is now a missionary in North Africa was our speaker. He was full of interesting stories of God working in him and through him. But his heart was to share five things every student should pack for their spiritual journey – salvation, surrender, spiritual warfare, listening to the Spirit, and the Great Commission. It was a good week. Please pray for continued spiritual fruit in the lives of our students way beyond these few days – and that it would come through the power of the Holy Spirit by faith and not striving in their own strength.
  • Today is Multicultural Day when we celebrate the grace of God in creating the beautiful diversity of every language and culture in the world, many of which are mingled together in our community at RVA. Today began with a flag ceremony, the Amazing Race, a picnic lunch, and a 5k One World Run. Tonight will bring music, caramel apples, fireworks and an American football game between seniors and staff.


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