We are writing this Fun Fact Friday from a tent situated above a mature acacia tree forest in a place known as Malewa, just outside the town of Naivasha. Some of you may remember that Naivasha was originally going to be the site of AIM’s mission station that included RVA – until Lord Delamere purchased the property right out from under them and turned it into a dairy. Lilli and I are here celebrating our 22nd Anniversary (August 19th). We give thanks to God for His faithfulness despite these two sinners often getting in the way of reflecting the beauty of the gospel – and yet our crying out to Him for help in our marital weakness is exactly what reveals the glory of His grace. And yes, we left the kids back at RVA. They are doing fine…last time we checked!
If you received our last newsletter you’ll know that we attended AIM’s Africa Based Orientation (ABO) from July 11 to August 1 in Nakuru. I have to admit, we weren’t really looking forward to spending three weeks in a classroom, but it exceeded our expectations. It was a great time of learning about African culture and making meaningful friendships that we pray last a very long time. Even the kids enjoyed it – though I think we all got tired of rice and beans every day, however good it was. Upon our arrival back at RVA we were introduced to our new apartment, which some friends had helped set up for us while we were gone. We are very thankful to finally be somewhat settled (we’re never really settled in this life are we?) in our new home. Karibu Sana! You are most welcome to visit us.
Kenya elections happened on August 8, which required a limited travel ban in case of violence. The incumbent, Uhuru Kenyatta was announced the winner on Friday, August 11, which spurred both celebration and some isolated violence. After it was announced on TV, the area around Kijabe erupted in celebration, lasting until well after midnight. However, there were other areas where violence and death were reported. Now the main opposition leader, Raila Odinga, has challenged the election results and filed a petition with the Kenyan Supreme Court. It’s not over yet. Please keep praying.
Next week will be filled with preparations for the start of another school year with staff inservice, faculty meetings, new parent and student orientation, and a community-wide communion service, which I’ll lead. The students arrive back on campus next Saturday and school starts Monday, August 26. That day is a very difficult one as parents say goodbye to their children, some for the entire three months of term. Please pray that the Lord would bring comfort to both parents and kids, that parents would trust God to take care of their children (by means of the RVA staff) and for the staff to have the Father’s wisdom and grace to care for these precious students.