“…as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way…as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.”
2 Corinthians 6:4, 10
It’s been almost fourteen months since we first considered whether God was calling us to return to Rift Valley Academy. A lot has taken place since that first phone call with the RVA superintendent, Tim Hall, and we have seen God’s hand of faithfulness every step of the way.
As I write, we have only two days until we board a plane that will take us across the ocean from our family and friends. Our hearts are heavy as we say goodbye, even as we are also amazed and excited by what God has done and by what He has planned for us in Kenya.
We are so grateful to have had a few days in Northern Minnesota with our family, including Hannah. It was a sweet, sweet time of relaxing together by the fireplace, playing games, watching Christmas movies, making cookies, and hiking. God even gave us the gift of a beautiful snowfall our first morning there!
Then it was back to the Cities to spend Christmas Eve with my (Jonathan) sister, Christine, and some friends from her church. This morning we worshipped with our Oakridge Community Church family for the last time in a few years, and said some more hard goodbyes. We’re so thankful for these precious brothers and sisters in Christ who are holding the rope for us here in Minnesota as they send us out to Kenya in a manner worthy of the gospel.
This afternoon we drove to Lakeville, MN to spend Christmas Day with Lilli’s parents, her twin sister’s family, and my sister. Again it was a wonderful time of enjoying each other over food, games, conversation and laughter. But we all knew the dreaded goodbyes were coming – none more difficult than the parting of twins.
Over the next day and a half we will do some last minute errands and finalize our packing…and say a few more goodbyes, including to our daughter, Hannah. Oh God, give us strength!
It’s not every day that we experience the depth of these emotions. Most days we aren’t saying goodbye to loved ones we won’t see for a few years. But God has been reminding us through these painful partings that, though hard, they should not be unexpected. They have been another reminder that this is not our home. While in this world, we are aliens and strangers passing through on our way to our abiding home. As long as there are tears, there remains our responsibility to “Go tell it on the Mountain!” One day there will be no need of tears, for there will no longer be goodbyes.
For now there is sorrow mixed with joy. There is joy mixed with sorrow. Life for the Christian is lived as Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians, as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing. There is hope in our grief. Purpose in our pain. Joy in our sorrow. Goodbyes are just going to be hard. But we take heart in the One whose advent we just celebrated and in His promise to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found!
Thanks for your prayers during the next couple of days. We’ll see you on the other side…of the ocean that is!