Missionary Pretenders?

One challenge during the early years of Rift Valley Academy was finding qualified teachers who felt called to serve missionary children. I mean, if you were sent out as a missionary to Africa you were there to proclaim the gospel to the pagan Africans, not to work with mostly Christian white children. In the words of Phil Dow,

“That was the work of pretenders, not the lofty stuff of the Livingstones, Moffats and Careys.”

As a result, the school experienced seasons where both the students and school suffered under the direction of teachers who were either ill-equipped, didn’t want to be there, or both. A student who attended RVA during these early years recalled:

“I have beautiful memories of some of my teachers who were gifted and dedicated…then I have memories of others! Occasionally the Field Council had to force people to teach a term or two at RVA. Many felt that teaching white kids was not mission work – they had come to Africa to work with Africans! Some were qualified; some were not, and most of this group were not only unhappy themselves, but made life miserable for the students.” (Lucile Downing)

We need missionary pioneers like Livingstone, Moffat, and Carey to take the gospel where Christ has not been named! But I’m thankful that RVA is now staffed by all kinds of people with one thing in common, God has called them there to serve missionary kids and their families as part of His much bigger plan to reach all nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ – just as He has also uniquely called you to this amazing task!

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