Angel Warriors
This story of God’s intervention to spare the lives of the staff and students of RVA during the Mau Mau rebellion of the 1950’s has been written about in several well known books about angels. Here is Randy Alcorn’s telling of it in response to a question he received about the presence of angels and demons:
My family stayed with the Shel Arensen family in Kenya back in 1989. Shel grew up attending Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya. During our visit, Shel told me a story I’ve heard since, about something that happened there in the 1950’s. Herbert Lockyer wrote of it in his book on angels, and I think it’s in Billy Graham’s book on angels too. Shel’s family was living there at the time. He pointed out to us where the events of that night unfolded.
That particular night during the “Mau Mau rebellion,” the ruthless warriors of the Mau Mau tribe gathered to climb the hill up to the missionary school (RVA) to capture and kill the missionary children and teachers, and fulfill their vows by eating the brains of white men, who they considered their oppressors.
Word got out about this plan, but it was too late to evacuate the school or to get outside protection. Desperate phone calls were made and people around the world were called upon to pray for God’s intervention. The night went on, with teachers and children huddled at RVA, praying and fully expecting to be attacked, and likely killed, any moment.
But nothing happened. The warriors never made it to the school, and no one was harmed.
No one knew the rest of the story until sometime later, when a Mau Mau warrior was in jail, and on trial. At his trial, the leader of Mau Maus, who led that attack, was asked, “On this particular night did you intend to kill the inhabitants [of the missionary school]?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“Why didn’t you?”
His answer? “We were on our way to attack and kill them, but as we came closer, suddenly between us and the school there were many men dressed in white, holding flaming swords.” He said he and his warriors were all terrified, and fled down the hill, never to return.
Sure, sometimes God chooses not to answer our desperate prayers exactly as we wish. But how many times has he answered when we haven’t realized he’s moved heaven and earth—and maybe a company of righteous angels—to do it? Had the human warriors not told what they saw, who ever would have known what really happened that night. (Randy Alcorn)

I went to RVA in the 80’s and 90’s and swung on the Mau Mau vines in the caves right below the school often. We heard this story as kids many times. It has always stayed with me, over all these years.
Thanks for posting.
I know God hears our prayers and will send His Angel Warriors to
protect us in our time of trouble. I’m praying He will hear the prayers of all that are calling on Him to save the people in Haiti that have been
attacked. May the God of the Heavenly Army hear our prayers!!
Thank you, Father God. Thank you.
Psalms 34:7-9 (KJV)
7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
8 O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
9 O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.
Psalms 56:3 (KJV) What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
Hebrews 1:14 (NIV) Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
There is a book with a collection of stories of how angels have interposed to help people in trouble. The title is “It Must Have Been an Angel” by Marjorie Lewis Lloyd.
Mau Mau was not a tribe, it was the British name for the freedom-fighting movement. British Gulags in Kenya to steal land and suppress the Kikuyu landowners killed over a million Kikuyu. I went to this school and was fed the same story. You may want to read: “Imperial Reckoning” By Caroline Elkins which explores the savage British rule in Kenya and their barbaric policies.