Mission: Africa

According to the mission website, “Africa Inland Mission (AIM) had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867-1896), a Scottish-American missionary of the International Missionary Alliance who served two years in the Congo before he was sent to Scotland in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. While recuperating, he developed his idea of establishing a network of mission stations which would stretch from the southeast coast of the continent to the interior’s Lake Chad.”


Their goal with these mission stations? An excerpt from their very first newsletter Hearing and Doing (January 1896) reads, “The purpose of the African Inland Mission is easily stated…In the Soudan region are sixty million human beings who have never heard the name of Christ in praise, prayer, or promise. Six thousand a day are going down unwarned, ungospeled to eternal death. This vast host is today practically untouched by the message of Christ…(We) purpose to enter and do all that faith, and zeal, and love can do to aid in evangelizing Africa.”

This remains the purpose of both AIM and RVA today:

Christ-centered churches among all African peoples

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