Not Our Home

I’m sitting outside on our patio (that my kids and I built with our own hands), looking out at our beautiful backyard, which Joshua just mowed. There’s a slight breeze, just enough to make it pleasant. And the little duck fountain we bought at Menards several years ago provides some soothing ambiance.

I’m trying to soak up this scene as much as I can, because I won’t have it for long. You see, we sold the house today. Of course there are still a few things to work through before it’s final, but it’s a pretty sure deal.

On the one hand, it’s a big relief. We’ve been working our tails off for the last few weeks getting the house ready – painting, landscaping, painting, fixing, packing, storing, cleaning, and did I mention painting! Man, I have a new appreciation for everyone who has sold a house! So a week on the market and then two showings. Both made offers. What a blessing!

But there is some sadness. One of the potential buyers sent us a note saying how perfect our home would be for their young and growing family and how much they looked forward to playing in this beautiful backyard I’m now enjoying. I read it to Lilli and she started to cry. I felt the same way.

Our backyard patio

As we talked about it we acknowledged that it’s not just the physical aspect of this house that we’ll miss. We do love our cozy house in Stillwater. But the emotions are deeper. They are full of memories, happy times, sad times, growing, playing, building this patio together that almost crushed Hannah’s toe! But there are also regrets that flood our memories as well – of opportunities lost, mistakes made, and fears of making them again.

We know this isn’t our real home. As my sister just texted me, “We are only sojourners here.” Indeed we look to a city with foundations in heaven (Hebrews 11:10,16). Lilli’s parents were often encouraged by Luke 18 as they served for 40 years in Madagascar:

“And [Jesus] said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.”

Luke 18:29–30

We know that God will answer our perceived loss with His gracious provision. We know that our attachment to this place will fade in time as we settle into the place that God is leading us to. And we know that our ultimate home is where Jesus is, and that it will be the fulfillment of everything we’ve ever longed for. Gazing at Jesus will put this backyard to shame!

But we know there will be some sad days ahead as we continue to walk down this path, including the day we have to say goodbye to many of you! May the Lord give us strength.

Let me close this sad post with a little update. As you may have guessed, we are not at 100% support yet, so we will not be leaving for Kenya by mid-July. They are currently working on the next target date which I’ll pass on in a later post. We currently have 37% of our monthly amount pledged and have over 100% of our outgoing amount. We continue to seek individuals and churches that will join our support team. Thank you for praying!

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