Seeing God In Hard Times

Hey everybody!! This is Sophia, the youngest in the Leslie family, and I’m gonna tell how I feel about going to Kenya. I kind of want to go to Kenya, but I actually really don’t. I don’t know if you understand what I mean by that. I have been going through a lot this past year. I had some really good friends move and leave my school, but through this part of my life I’ve learned to trust the Lord more. I am scared and anxious about moving to Kenya. But I know that the Lord will help me.

A lot of people have been praying for me lately and I want to thank them and to ask that as I go, that you would keep praying for me.

“Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.”
-Psalm 37:5

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
-Mark 16:15

Jesus loves us and he will never let us fall. He is always holding us in his hands and will wrap his arms around and love us. I pray that God will help me love him and trust him more through this.

I know God has a reason for this (Romans 8:28). Like now I think that my parents are just making me go to Kenya even though I don’t want to go, but in a few years I’ll look back and say, “I know that was hard, but something good was made out of it.” God is a Good, Good, Father.

Joyfully Through Christ,


8 thoughts on “Seeing God In Hard Times

  1. Sophia – I am praying and will continue to pray for you. Please be ready to tell me one thing you want me to pray about when I see you on Sundays – okay?
    Love, Mrs. A.

  2. “When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace.” ~ It is truly wonderful to see your trust in God for future grace ~

      1. Sophie – Now that school has started, I can pray differently for you. I’m praying that you will study hard in these days before moving to Kenya. I pray that your credits will easily transfer to your new classes at RVA. I pray that you will be grateful for the schoolmates who have become so special to you here at Liberty. You are blessed with today’s technology where you can Skype them and email them!! Please let me know if you think of anything else to share with me. (I’m still praying about your jet ride. 🙂 ) Love, Mrs. A.

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